Thursday 21 August 2014


Sometimes people who change your life can be someone who you seem to know forever.. A person that change my life Is someone who make me happy.. Make me feel better when i`m feel upset and someone who make me feel i need more effort to survive.. That person is My Father.. MR JAMALUDIN.. He was my idol since my early childhood.. My  father was very hardworking man.. He make me feel secured with him. My father  has taught me meaning of life.. My father  taught me how to not offend others and their feelings. Eventhough its hurt my feeling. He told me how to respect other people and keep their good name. my father have advise me how to find a good friend and how to recognize the enemy .. my father told me that not everyone will like and will appreciate what you did for other people.. Sometimes he would criticize my behavior when exceeding the limit. There is one time, my father scolded me because I`ve make some mistake and my father being so angry and he punished me.. After that, I took it as my lesson and i promise to him that won`t do the same mistake again.. My father who does not like to show their love to their children. but he would show physically. How he take care about their children.. My father a loving and very kind person. No one can replace my father and he is My Hero.. Thank you dad for teaching me the meaning of life and  became a father of the most meaningful in my life. I love you my father MR JAMALUDIN BIN MD SHAPI.


Monday 18 August 2014


Malaysia. It is a name that I always keep in my mind. It is the place that I have been giving birth on, then I grow bigger, stronger, healthiear until I am now. Without a doubt, I love my own country, 

Malaysia. I think Malaysia is an ancient wonder of nature and full of aboriginal culture.

I must confess that I love Malaysia because of its breathtaking scenery and the greenness of the rich land . It is about sunny and moist along the year in this country. So, our land is rich of the tropical rainforest especially in the east coast of Malaysia. Just imagine that you take the canopy walk to get a bird’s eye view of the world’s oldest rainforest, it sures amazed you. Besides, Malaysia is well known for its natural scenic beauty. For instance, you can experience a cave exploration at Niah Cave or mountain climbing at Mount Kinabalu. 

Surely this is a nice change of pace, away from the hustle and crowdness of the city life.  Malaysia is a cosmopolitan country but we have three major races, that is Malays, Chinese and Indians. Even though we come from different races, background, language and skin colour, we live as a big family. Helping each other. Instead of argument, we choose to live in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. We treat other people brotherly or sisterly and always have great respect for each other. We took every problem to round-table talks. There are also small number of natives people, which included the Kadazan, Bidayuh, Iban, Melanau and so on.

 Indeed, Malaysia is a country of varied cultures and traditions. Here, I met many people from different cultures and we share our faith and trust. For instance, the Malays believe the existence of Allah and their traditional costumes is “Baju Kurung” and “Baju Melayu”. Besides, others cultures also have very unique tradition. Such as Kadazan, Bidayuh, Iban and so on. They have their own traditional costumes and foods. 

written by, Iu Zahirah Binti Zahuri (PTM 140708831)

Thursday 14 August 2014


What is the meaning of dream ? Dream can be known as a  ‘cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal’. Other meaning of dream is to achieve goal in life. Everyone of us has wonderful dreams.  The only way to achieve our goals is know what we want and how to plan it. My dream is to be a successful career woman as a Human Resource Management. Today, I want to share some advised on how to achieve dreams.

First, list down what do you want to achieve. Then, write down your dream in your notebook . If you have more than one goals, arranged them according your interest and a dateline when to achieve your dream.. Example, if you want to be successful person in the future.. think how are you going to get them. Another method you can use for your dream is maps… or I usually call “Map of dreams”. This is a combination of visualization and pictorial… Maybe you dream about go travel to Paris. You can add a picture of Eiffel Tower or another beautiful scene on your map to signify success.

Third, always have positive attitude. Don’t let other person ruined you dream. For me, if there a person who want to ruined my dream, either they jealous or do not have any dream. Place your confidence that your dream is achievable. Keep dreaming and keep believing and you will have a good life in future. There is one famous caption by Napolean Hill that say “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”

In the mean time you were trying to achieve your dream,  be prepared that you will “met” failure and mistakes. Challenges can be positive or negative. But always remember that the satisfaction you will get at the end.

So what is your dream ? Think about it because its for your future too. Make it as routine by re-write your dream with new additions.

Last “Reach for the stars! Don’t limit yourself instead go and make your drams reality.” Enjoy and start your dream and have a great day guys :)

This is my dream, go travel to Paris, Mecca and Maldives with my whole family. 
Insya Allah one fine day I will bring them to there.

Written by Qurratu’aini Iman Najihah Binti Bazli   

Assalamualikum :)

We are new !

Assalamualaikum and hello readers ! 

We want to introduce our self hihihi.. There are 4 members of us.. Maszakiah, Qurratu', Nabihah And Iu Zahirah. Four of us has be given a project by our lecturer, Madam As which is language project. We were given 8 tittle such as "My dream, Malaysia and me, One person that changes my life, Living among different races, I want to live in ____ and why ?, How can I improve my English ?, What can I do to make my country a better place to live ? and I've seen a ghost." 

Each of us need to send this project each tittle week by week. But for this week, we publish our first tittle project "MY DREAM"... hope all of you enjoy our story.