Monday 18 August 2014


Malaysia. It is a name that I always keep in my mind. It is the place that I have been giving birth on, then I grow bigger, stronger, healthiear until I am now. Without a doubt, I love my own country, 

Malaysia. I think Malaysia is an ancient wonder of nature and full of aboriginal culture.

I must confess that I love Malaysia because of its breathtaking scenery and the greenness of the rich land . It is about sunny and moist along the year in this country. So, our land is rich of the tropical rainforest especially in the east coast of Malaysia. Just imagine that you take the canopy walk to get a bird’s eye view of the world’s oldest rainforest, it sures amazed you. Besides, Malaysia is well known for its natural scenic beauty. For instance, you can experience a cave exploration at Niah Cave or mountain climbing at Mount Kinabalu. 

Surely this is a nice change of pace, away from the hustle and crowdness of the city life.  Malaysia is a cosmopolitan country but we have three major races, that is Malays, Chinese and Indians. Even though we come from different races, background, language and skin colour, we live as a big family. Helping each other. Instead of argument, we choose to live in a peaceful and harmonious atmosphere. We treat other people brotherly or sisterly and always have great respect for each other. We took every problem to round-table talks. There are also small number of natives people, which included the Kadazan, Bidayuh, Iban, Melanau and so on.

 Indeed, Malaysia is a country of varied cultures and traditions. Here, I met many people from different cultures and we share our faith and trust. For instance, the Malays believe the existence of Allah and their traditional costumes is “Baju Kurung” and “Baju Melayu”. Besides, others cultures also have very unique tradition. Such as Kadazan, Bidayuh, Iban and so on. They have their own traditional costumes and foods. 

written by, Iu Zahirah Binti Zahuri (PTM 140708831)

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