Monday 15 September 2014

                                                          I HAVE SEEN A GHOST

           There are people who believe in ghosts and there are people who don't. I my self was a skeptic a few years ago. All that changed when i had a paranormal experience one fateful sunday just a year ago.

                        I had gone to Malacca with my friend during the scholl holidays. We went to a quiet village and a relative of my friend hade mad us welcome and offered us the use of one her rooms. The village was was a far cry from the city where we lived. There was no hustle and tussle of the rat_race found in the city. The days moved at a leisurely pace and we had lots of fun fishing in the river and climbing trees to pluck rambutans and mangoes. It seemed that life in the village was absolutely carefree.

                       One day, ali claimed that she had heard that there was a hauted house at the outskirt of the village. She said that the house was very old and was in a badly ruined condition but none of the villagers would go near it. We thought that ali was just pulling our legs when our host,Aminah, stepped in. We asked Aminah if there was such a house and she assured us that indeed there was.That night, Siti suggested that we go to the presumed hauted house and prove to the rest of the superdtitious villagers once and for all that there was no such thing as ghosts.





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